
A Celebration of Culture and Community: Spike’s Second Experience with Hope for Food

Selected by our staff, as Spike’s chosen Charity of the Year for 2024, Hope for Food is a volunteer-driven charity dedicated to providing essential services to individuals and families facing homelessness, poverty, and food insecurity in our local area. Their mission, built on respect and dignity, aligns perfectly with our own company values.

Our last distribution drive with Hope for Food was incredibly rewarding and left a lasting impression on everyone involved. So, with great anticipation, we embarked on our latest initiative, eager to build on the positive experiences of the past. This time, we decided to infuse a bit of cultural flavour into the community meals by introducing a beloved South Indian dish: vegetable biryani.

Bringing Cultures Together Through Food

In a bid to diversify the meals we provided at the community event, Sriya and Shimna, part of our Quality Assurance team, kindly took time out of their day to cook 45 portions of vegetable biryani.

Hailing from South India, this dish holds a special place in their hearts, and they were proud to share it with the community. By sharing this dish, they hoped to offer the community not just a meal, but a taste of their culture and a piece of their home. Biryani is also a favourite when brought in for our office socials and gatherings! 


The Power of a Shared Meal

The sight of the cooked biryani drew smiles and sparked curiosity among the guests, as many of them had never heard of biriyani before, let alone tried it. Our distribution team, alongside Hope for Food volunteers, eagerly served the hot meals, ensuring everyone had a helping of this delicious dish. 


In addition to our contribution, we were delighted to work alongside Leah from White Elephant (By Sala Thai), a local, family-run Thai restaurant that regularly volunteers their time and culinary expertise. They prepared delicious Thai curry dishes for the community meal distribution. The combination of Indian biryani and Thai curry offered a unique and delightful dining experience for the guests, showcasing the rich diversity of flavours from different cultures.

Beyond just serving food, the team engaged with the guests, helping to clean up, hand out toiletries and fresh produce, and most importantly, offer a listening ear. Many of the guests face loneliness and hardship, and the simple act of sharing a meal and a conversation can make a significant difference in their lives. 


A Taste of Home, a Touch of Care

The guests appreciated the effort of bringing something new and flavourful to the table. One guest remarked, “I’ve never had this before and didn’t know if I would like it, but I’m glad I tried it, it was delicious.” This sentiment was echoed by many others, who expressed gratitude for the warmth and friendliness of all those who volunteered their time to take part in the community meals.

For Sriya and Shimna, this experience was particularly meaningful. They were able to share a piece of their heritage and see the joy it brought to others. It was a reminder of how food can bridge cultural divides and bring people together in unexpected ways.


Reflections and Looking Forward

Our second experience with Hope for Food reinforced the importance of community and the power of kindness. It was heartening to see how a simple dish like biryani could bring so much joy and comfort. This event also highlighted the value of cultural exchange and the ways in which our diverse backgrounds can enrich the lives of others. 

As we look forward to future collaborations with Hope for Food, we are inspired to continue exploring new ways to support and uplift the community. Whether through meals, conversations, or shared experiences, we are committed to making a positive impact. 

You can help support their fantastic work here. 


Leveraging Technology to Create Healthier, Connected Communities 

In a world where connectivity is abundant, we ironically find ourselves less connected to the physical world than ever before. With 75% of residents expressing a desire to expand their social network and get to know their neighbours, it’s clear that many crave access to a connected community. Yet less than 40% feel they belong in their community.


What’s more, a recent study by the National Multifamily Housing Council found that resident satisfaction is strongly correlated with retention rates. Communities with higher resident satisfaction scores tend to experience lower turnover rates, with 75% of residents reporting that addressing wellbeing is important to community management.


With this in mind, developers are increasingly looking for ways to integrate health and wellness into their core offerings. Technology can play a crucial role in fostering this culture. Here’s how resident engagement portals like Spike Living can help build a wellness-focused community. 

1.) Facilitating communication and connection 

Online Community Clubs and Forums

Resident portals like Spike Living empower residents to meet their neighbours via online clubs and forums, then organise real-life meetups whenever they feel ready. From fitness clubs for activities like running, walking, and cycling to clubs focused on living with particular health issues, these groups encourage residents to stay active and build strong social connections. Unlike traditional social media, Spike Living can only be accessed by residents, ensuring that they are communicating with genuine neighbours without the risk of scammers and strangers.


Event Notifications 

Findings from the HomeViews Build to Rent Report 2024 indicate that residents participating in community challenges are 20% more likely to report higher levels of overall satisfaction with their living environment. By providing the ability for developers and operators to promote events directly to residents via the Spike Living app, this can increase participation by 46%, and as events can be ticketed, this allows staff to know in advance how many residents to expect.


In addition, community challenges are a fun and effective way to engage residents and promote a culture of wellness. Spike Living makes it easy to organise and manage fitness challenges such as step count competitions, cycling miles, or group workout sessions. Residents can track their progress and see how they rank against their neighbours, adding a friendly competitive element. As well as encouraging residents to participate in healthy eating challenges by sharing recipes, creating cooking workshops, and tracking participants’ progress through the portal. 

2.) Promoting Mental and Physical Health 

Access to Amenities 

According to Mind UK, there are numerous studies that reveal how physical exercise can improve mental health, from lifting moods, to improving sleep and a great way to connect with others.


By utilising  Spike Living, residents can view and book available fitness classes and amenities within a few taps, all from the comfort and convenience of their homes. Spike Living also allows amenities and fitness classes to be ticketed and chargeable, providing an additional revenue stream for property managers.


Access to Information

Recent statistics from HomeViews’ 2023 Build to Rent (BTR) report show that communities with regular health and wellness communications have a 15% higher engagement rate among residents, demonstrating the impact of consistent and valuable information on resident participation.


Resident portals like Spike Living allow developers to share regular articles, tips, and updates related to health and wellness. Whether it’s advice on maintaining a balanced diet, the benefits of regular exercise, or mental health support, these updates keep residents informed and motivated. In addition, developers can also create and schedule monthly newsletters that highlight upcoming events, success stories from residents, and new health initiatives within the community.

3.) Fostering a Sense of Belonging 

Over 80% of residents report that they want to live in a neighbourhood with a thriving array of local businesses, Spike Living’s around me feature encourages newcomers to explore their local area by providing a guide to all the places around them, and by partnering with local businesses, residents can benefit from exclusive discounts, encouraging them to fall in love with their independent chains. 


Technology plays a pivotal role in building a strong community culture around health and wellness by facilitating communication, promoting education, encouraging physical activity and mental well-being. As operators continue to navigate the demands of modern living, integrating resident engagement portals like Spike Living into their developments is not just beneficial – it’s essential.


Looking for more ideas on how to incorporate health and wellness events into your development? Download our 2024 Community Engagement Guide, which outlines numerous health and wellness related events throughout the year.


Building a Compassionate Community: Spike’s Volunteer Experience with Hope for Food

Our recent volunteer work at Hope for Food‘s community meals initiative was not only a humbling experience, but also a powerful reminder of the positive impact that community service can have on both those we help and ourselves.


Selected by our staff, as Spike’s chosen Charity of the Year for 2024, Hope for Food is a volunteer-driven charity dedicated to providing essential services to individuals and families facing homelessness, poverty, and food insecurity in our local area. Their mission, built on respect and dignity, aligns perfectly with our own company values.

Understanding the Need


The issue of food insecurity in the UK has reached alarming levels, with 7.2 million people living in ‘food insecure’ households in 2022/23, an increase of 2.5 million since the previous year. In light of these staggering statistics, we were determined to take action in our own local community here in Bournemouth.


Hope for Food supports around 160 families each week with food parcels, fresh produce, toiletries, and household cleaning packs. They also cater to the homeless and vulnerably housed by providing food, drinks, clothing, bedding, and other essentials to 600 guests each month, on a twice weekly basis. Their comprehensive support system responds to both general needs and specific requests from social and support workers, ensuring a wide-reaching impact. 


Our Volunteering Experience


Our staff split into two teams for this initiative. The cooking team prepared over 40 portions of shepherd’s pie and 5 vegetarian options, thanks to the generosity of a colleague who offered their kitchen.


The second team was responsible for packing the meals, ready for distribution at the community meals. This collaborative effort highlighted the strength of teamwork and the collective drive to make a difference. 


Upon transporting the meals to Hope for Food’s community meals initiative in Bournemouth, we joined the charity in setting up tables to distribute a variety of items. These included sandwiches, cakes, soup, hot drinks, clothes, books, and more to the 76 guests who attended. Our team members took on various roles, from distributing hot meals to providing clothing, engaging in conversations with guests, and ensuring that everyone felt supported and listened to. 


Impact on the Guests


The impact on the guests of the community kitchen was profound. Many of them received their first hot meal in days, a simple yet vital necessity that brought comfort and nourishment. The provision of clothing and other essentials also addressed immediate physical needs, while the act of engaging in conversation helped alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation, which are closely linked to homelessness. 


The gratitude expressed by the guests was overwhelming. For many, the community meals initiative is not just a place to receive food and clothing, but a safe space where they are treated with dignity and respect. Our presence and willingness to listen and support meant a great deal to them, reaffirming their sense of worth and humanity. 

We were amazed to see the number of volunteers who regularly took part in the community meal initiative. Their dedication and tireless efforts to support those in need were truly inspiring. These regular volunteers are the backbone of the operation, consistently showing up to make a difference in the lives of others. It was heartening to witness how our community comes together to support one another, embodying the spirit of solidarity and compassion. 



Benefits to the Local Community


Helping our local community benefits us all in multiple ways. It fosters a sense of solidarity and mutual support, strengthening the social fabric that binds us together. When we support those in need, we create a more inclusive and compassionate community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Additionally, addressing issues like food insecurity and homelessness can lead to broader societal benefits, such as improved public health and reduced social costs.


For us at Spike, the experience was deeply fulfilling. It provided a powerful reminder of the impact we can have when we come together to support our community. We left the community meal initiative with a renewed sense of purpose and pride, knowing that our efforts had made a tangible difference in the lives of others. It was an eye-opening experience, one that has inspired us to continue seeking ways to contribute to the well-being of our community. 


Support Hope for Food


To sustain and expand the invaluable work of Hope for Food, we encourage everyone to consider supporting their initiatives. Whether through donations, volunteering, or simply spreading the word, every bit of help can make a significant impact. Together, we can ensure that no one in our community has to face hunger or homelessness alone.


You can help support their fantastic work here. 


Spike nominated for the Property Week Resi Awards 2024

We are pleased to share that Spike has been nominated for the Technology Innovator of the Year Award at the Property Week Resi Awards 2024, recognising Spike’s dedication to driving change in the residential sector through its cutting-edge technology solutions. 


In 2023, we saw a surge in demand for our solutions, both nationally and internationally, with our award-winning resident engagement portal now deployed across more than 500 buildings in 15 countries. Along with new partnerships with industry-leading names such as Casa by Moda, Niche Living, and Baxter Homes emphasising Spike’s position as a pioneer in reshaping the residential landscape. 


Research has shown that a significant percentage of our happiness is tied to the quality of our living environment, highlighting the importance of ensuring a positive and convenient residential experience.


Spike Living addresses this by offering a comprehensive suite of features, including centralised document management, the ability to book onsite amenities and services, maintenance reporting, direct messaging with staff, and much more, all aimed at enhancing residents’ daily lives. 


Furthermore, Spike Living also serves as a bridge between residential communities and local businesses, revitalising the local economy while enriching the resident experience. Through strategic alliances and integrations, Spike ensures that residents have access to exclusive discounts and services, forging stronger relationship between residential developments and their surroundings. 


As we eagerly anticipate the Property Week Resi Awards ceremony on Wednesday 1st May 2024, at Grosvenor House, London, we extend our gratitude to the judges for recognising Spike’s contributions to the industry.


Congratulations to all the finalists who made the shortlist! We’re looking forward to an exciting night celebrating innovation, excellence, and the future of residential living.  


See the full shortlist here.  


Spike are #InvestingInWomen this International Women’s Day 2024

“If you invest in a women, you’re investing in everyone else.” Melinda Gates


International Women’s Day is a time to celebrate the achievements and contributions of women around the world. At Spike, we are proud to join in the celebration by honouring the incredible and talented women who are an integral part of our team.


This year, the UN’s International Women’s Day theme, #InvestinWomen: Accelerate Progress, resonates deeply with us. We understand the importance of investing in women’s potential and creating opportunities for them to thrive in the workplace. In the tech industry, where women have historically been underrepresented, it’s imperative that we actively support and empower female talent. 


Currently women make up only 26% of the tech industry workforce. Despite this, their contributions are invaluable, and their presence is crucial for driving innovation and diversity in the field. 


At Spike, we are committed to breaking down gender barriers and creating a supportive and inclusive environment for all employees. We do not tolerate any form of gender discrimination or pay gap, and we have implemented various initiatives to ensure that women feel equal, empowered, and respected. 

Here are some ways that Spike are actively investing in women:

Encouraging retention and recruitment: We strive to give equal opportunities to women from diverse backgrounds and encourage them to bring their unique talents and perspectives to our team. 


Investing in training and career development: We provide ongoing training, one-to-ones and support to help everyone advance in their careers and reach their full potential. 


Promoting work-life balance: We offer flexible working arrangements to accommodate the needs of employees with family or health commitments, ensuring that no-one has to sacrifice their personal well-being for their career. 


Encouraging social engagement and wellbeing: We actively organise social and charity events, from bowling, nights out, cinema trips, charity initiatives and more to encourage a sense of inclusion and camaraderie. 


Ensuring equal pay: We are committed to eliminating any gender pay gap within our organisation. 


Encouraging communication and participation: We actively seek input from female team members and include them in decision-making processes to ensure that their voices are heard and valued. 

An Empowering Ladies Lunch:

One of the highlights of our celebration was the empowering ladies lunch, where our female team members came together to celebrate our collective efforts and successes. It was a time to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of women in shaping the landscape of technology and driving innovation forward. Over delicious food and engaging conversations, we reflected on the challenges and triumphs we’ve experienced as women working in tech, while also celebrating the progress we’ve made. 


In addition to meaningful conversations, we incorporated fun activities into our celebration to strengthen bonds. We organised quizzes and games that sparked laughter and camaraderie, providing an opportunity for our team members to relax and enjoy each other’s company. These moments of levity are essential in fostering a sense of unity and solidarity among our diverse team of women. 


As we celebrated International Women’s Day, we also took the time to recognise the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We reaffirmed our commitment to creating an environment where all voices are heard and respected, regardless of gender or background. By embracing diversity, we harness the power of different perspectives and experiences, driving innovation and creativity within our team. 


At Spike, we are proud to honour the incredible women who contribute to our success every day. As we come together to celebrate our achievements and empower one another, we are reminded of the limitless potential of women in shaping the future of technology. 


Spike Selects Hope for Food as Charity of the Year 2024

After the success of last year’s charity initiative with Dorset Mind, we are thrilled to announce our 2024 Charity of the Year as Hope for Food. 


Selected by staff, Hope for Food is a volunteer-driven charity with a noble mission: provide basic necessities to those in our local area who are homeless or living in poverty. Their efforts include providing meals and food parcels, clothing distribution, and supplying small household goods. Hope for Food operates with deep respect and dignity, offering help to anyone in need, judgement-free.


During their Christmas appeal, Hope for Food, distributed 428 Christmas food parcels and over 1,750 selection boxes to children, along with 234 regular food parcels. Beyond food, they also provided gift vouchers, stocking fillers, and gift bags to families and individuals in refuges or supported housing, including four hostels which they support. This ensured that the festive spirit was felt by all, regardless of their circumstances.


In their ongoing mission, Hope for Food consistently supports around 160 families weekly with food parcels, fresh produce, toiletries, and household cleaning packs. They also cater to the community’s broader needs by providing food, drinks, clothing, shoes, bedding, tents/sleeping bags and other essential items on a twice weekly basis to the homeless, rough sleepers and vulnerably housed. As well as responding to specific requests from social and support workers, demonstrating a commitment to addressing both general and specific needs within the community.


Although they received remarkable support during the holiday season, the charity is now facing a drastic decrease in donations, averaging just 2-3 donations per week. Spike is committed to helping the charity maintain it’s essential food, clothing and household item supplies to that they can continue supporting those in need.  

As part of our partnership with Hope for Food, our team will be participating in a wide range of activities, including volunteering at Hope for Food’s meal distribution drives, soup kitchens, providing donations for food, clothing and essential items, as well as taking part in fundraising events to support Hope for Food’s mission to assist less fortunate households and families in our community.  

We invite our clients, partners, friends and members of our community to join us in making a difference by supporting Hope for Food throughout 2024. Together, we can contribute to a brighter future for those facing hardship. 


You can see all the fantastic work Hope for Food are doing and donate here 


Spike’s 2023 Charity Round Up

At the start of last year, Spike selected Dorset Mind as its Charity of the Year for 2023. 


Based in Bournemouth, Dorset Mind educates, challenges mental health stigma and inequality; and encourages recovery by empowering people to develop resilience. Their 1-2-1 and group support includes befriending, counselling, groups, and mentoring for adults and young people. Their training team delivers educational wellbeing for workplaces including the official Mental Health First Aid (MHFA). They also have numerous volunteering opportunities across the charity. 


Our decision to select Dorset Mind was rooted in a shared commitment to connecting communities and prioritising people, which is at the heart of what we do here at Spike. This year, as a company, we took part in a number of fundraising events and volunteering initiatives to enable Dorset Mind to continue to raise awareness and provide support for mental health in our communities, whilst at the same time organising a variety of activities aimed towards fostering a culture of wellbeing amongst out staff.  


Fast forward a year, and we are proud to reflect on a journey that has not only been deeply fulfilling but has also brough us closer as a team whilst growing our relationship with our neighbours and friends at Dorset Mind. 


Bournemouth Bay Run 2023 
The Bournemouth Bay Run 2023 was our first fundraising initiative, and five members of the team took on the challenge! #TeamSpike consisted of Nick, Vicky, Josh, Jonny and Sriya who took on varying routes, from half marathons to the 5km. Despite the trials of arduous training, injuries, illnesses, and exhaustion, their dedication to both personal well-being and the cause of mental health shone through. 


Donned in vibrant neon orange, inspired by the event’s 40th-anniversary 80’s theme, the team surpassed expectations by raising an impressive £2,353 for Dorset Mind, far surpassing the initial target of £500. Our office rallied behind them, cheering as they crossed the finish line, and even securing a spot in the Bournemouth Echo! 

Sherborne Country Fair Dragon Boat Racing 

The Sherborne Castle County Fair Dragon Boat Race was our second major fundraising venture, with a spirited team comprising 17 members from our staff, friends, and family. 


Together, we navigated the waters to raise £772 in support of Dorset Mind’s mission. Rowing proved more challenging then expected, but we persevered, learning valuable lessons in teamwork, communication, and pace – we even won our first race!


We took part in Dorset Mind’s Eco in Mind project in collaboration with ASDA, which involved tending to the Longham Allotment Gardens. Our team dedicated their efforts to a specific allotment designed for individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s. This unique allotment offered a sensory experience and a serene connection with nature, promoting mental well-being and tranquillity. The vegetables cultivated from our plot also went towards local open fridges and food banks to give back to our community.


We also organised various beach clean-ups throughout the year, coinciding with Earth Day and World Environment Day, demonstrating our commitment to giving back to the local community. These initiatives not only contributed to environmental conservation but also fostered connections and camaraderie among staff members.

Content Collaboration for Clients

In addition, recognising the importance of spreading mental health awareness, we worked with Dorset Mind to develop informative and engaging content for our clients and industry.


Drawing on their expertise in the field, we created a series of blogs and social media content centred around mental health topics, such as how to support residents through Blue Monday, ways to support residents with their mental health, wellbeing tips and more. These resources served as valuable tools to educate and inform our online audience about various aspects of mental well-being, reducing stigma and promoting understanding.


One particularly successful initiative was the incorporation of mental health awareness days into our monthly community resident engagement guides. These guides, which were eagerly anticipated by our client communities, featured dedicated sections for mental health awareness on relevant days throughout the year. These efforts were met with enthusiastic responses from both residents and clients, demonstrating the positive impact of integrating mental health awareness into our regular communication channels.


Our latest Community Engagement Guide is now out, which includes a multitude of events, covering both social, mental wellness and environmental awareness days for property and community engagement managers to bring residents together.


Through various fundraising activities and the enthusiastic support of over 50 generous contributors, we successfully raised a total of £3,125 towards funding Dorset Mind’s mental health programs and activities. These programs include mentoring and support for children, young people and adults, as well as training for more volunteers to help support our local community. This achievement not only highlighted the generosity and dedication of our Spike community, but also showcased the tangible impact of our partnership in supporting mental health initiatives. 


Beyond the financial contributions, the charity partnership had a positive impact on our team dynamics and company culture. Organising charity events and participating in volunteering activities brought our staff closer together as a team. It instilled a sense of fulfilment and purpose among staff, fostering a positive and open company culture that continues to thrive today. The collaborative efforts to support mental health initiatives not only benefited our local community and client communities, but also significantly improved staff well-being, creating a more supportive and compassionate work environment. 


Thank you to Dorset Mind 

Dorset Mind’s incredible support, encouragement, and invaluable insights played an important role in the success of the collaboration. We admire Dorset Mind’s dedication and expertise in the field of mental health, and through our partnership, feel as if we’ve learned a lot ourselves. As our first Charity of the Year, Dorset Mind set a high standard. It was a mutually beneficial and heartwarming collaboration that left a lasting positive impact on all involved. 


What’s next? 

Now, with last year’s charity initiatives fuelling our drive to give back to community, we will be embarking on a new charity of the year for 2024 which we are excited to announce next week! 


A Look Back on Our Charity Initiatives – April to June 2023

At the start of this year, Spike selected Dorset Mind as its Charity of the Year for 2023. 

Based in Bournemouth, Dorset Mind educates, challenges mental health stigma and inequality; and encourages recovery by empowering people to develop resilience. Their 1-2-1 and group support includes befriending, counselling, groups, and mentoring for adults and young people. Their training team delivers educational wellbeing for workplaces including the official Mental Health First Aid (MHFA). They also have numerous volunteering opportunities across the charity. 

After the success of our first quarter initiatives, we’re proud to have continued into Q2 with the same energy, taking part in more events and internal activities this past quarter. We’ve also incorporated mental health awareness into our digital content, including our Mental Health Awareness Week blog focusing on supporting anxiety in residential developments, and event suggestions inspired by Dorset Mind’s key event dates, such as Pride Month, World Environment Day, and World Meditation Day into our 2023 monthly Community Engagement Guides.

Sherborne Country Fair Dragon Boat Racing – May 2023

The Sherborne County Fair Dragon Boat Race was our second major fundraising initiative of the year, which took place on the 29th of May 2023.


Our rowing team consisted of 17 members of staff, friends and family who picked up oars to raise funds and awareness of mental health in our communities, in a fun competition against many different organisations. It was a brilliant day, and we had so much fun dipping in and out of Dorset Mind’s rowing teams as well as our own Spike team to try and race for the fastest times.

Rowing was harder than it looked, but the team persevered and we learned a lot about teamwork, communication and pace, finishing with some respectable times for our first attempt, including a win for Team Spike in the first race! It was great catching up with many of our friends from the Dorset Mind team who also gave us some useful tips and hints from their experience at last year’s competition.


We’re thrilled to announce that we exceeded our £500 target, raising £772 towards funding Dorset Mind’s mental health programs and activities. These programs include mentoring and support for children, young people and adults, as well as training for more volunteers to help support our local community.

Thank you so much to everyone who donated to our fundraiser, and to all colleagues, family and friends who came to take part – we can’t wait for next year’s competition! 

World Environment Day Beach Clean Up – June 2023

Through our partnership with Dorset Mind, we’re proud to be organising a variety of activities aimed towards keeping our staff mentally healthy.


Following the enthusiasm from our first beach clean up last quarter which everyone loved, World Environment Day, which took place on the 5th of June, was an opportune time for our next scheduled beach clean. We followed Dorset Mind’s ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing‘ framework, developed by the New Economics Foundation, which addresses core elements such as connection, staying active, taking notice of our surroundings, trying something new, and giving back. 

The team managed to clean up a considerable amount of the beach before we headed back to the office. Every year, 11 million metric tons of plastics enter our ocean on top of the estimated 200 million metric tons that currently circulate our marine environments. It was eye-opening to see the amount of litter which gets left on the beach during peak summer months, from plastic bottles to 6 pack beverage rings, these seemingly harmless bits of rubbish are notorious for entangling and causing harm to marine animals, and can often lead to the damage of ecosystems. 

Many of the team returned feeling proud of the positive impact they had on our local environment, and refreshed after a peaceful morning outside. Not to mention treated to coffee and cake after a productive morning!

What Have We Planned for Q3?

Spike are proud of our charity initiatives to date, whether hands on or incorporated into our digital content, and we can’t wait to take part in more activities in Q3!

Next quarter, we’re excited to be taking part in another fundraising event, as well as more beach clean ups! In addition to events, keep an eye out for our content focusing on mental wellness, including Women’s Health Week, International Happiness at Work Week and more!

You can learn more about Dorset Mind and find ways to support the work they are doing here.


5 Ways to Support Residents With Their Mental Health

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week (15th – 21st May), with this year’s theme being anxiety.

We all feel anxious from time to time. Anxiety is a natural response to the uncertain world around us. With the current cost-of-living crisis, more than a third of adults are feeling anxious about their financial situations. Furthermore, in a recent mental health survey that was carried out around stress and anxiety over personal finances, six in ten adults said they felt so anxious that it stopped them from doing the things they want to do.

It’s therefore vitally important that building operators and property managers are able to recognise the signs of anxiety, and are able to provide appropriate support when needed. Warning signs could include a change in a residents’ behaviour, late payments, or a change in appearance, indicating that someone may possibly be vulnerable or going through a difficult time.


Our 2023 charity partner, Dorset Mind, has provided a ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ framework, as a way to encourage a healthier lifestyle. This consists of ‘connect‘, ‘get active‘, ‘take notice‘, ‘learn‘ and ‘give‘. This simple, tried and tested framework can offer many opportunities for residents to take their minds away from stressful situations that are out of their control and provide focus on what they can do.

Here are 5 tips on what property managers can be doing to help support residents, inspired by the ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ framework:

1.) Take notice – Communicate with residents to ensure they are aware that support is available should they need it

Anxiety can lead us to believe that we are alone in our personal struggles, and often, residents may feel unsure how to ask for help. By letting them know that support is available, they can feel reassured that they do not need to suffer alone.


For instance, resident portals such as Spike Living, can provide an easy and quick way for residents to ask for help. Rather than needing to leave the comfort and security of their home, they can directly message their property manager who can then assess and provide the appropriate support. Some of our clients have even added a ‘HELP’ button to their portal to enable residents to alert staff if they need help urgently.

2.) Connect and Give – Create community forums and support groups

Across our client base, we’ve seen many online forums created, from encouraging gratitude and positivity to general social clubs, enabling residents to build real-life support networks right on their doorsteps. Having dedicated community forums and support groups can give residents a ‘safe space’ to discuss their worries, and seek guidance. As the saying goes, ‘a problem shared is a problem solved’.


Participation in social and community life has attracted a lot of attention in the field of wellbeing research. Individuals who report a greater interest in helping others are more likely to rate themselves as happy.

By utilising a resident engagement portal, such as Spike Living, property managers can provide a secure and safe place online that is only accessible by genuine residents, ensuring that residents are not at risk from scammers and strangers.

Property Managers can also use the Spike Living portal to provide dedicated wellness resources to residents such as how to sleep with anxiety, managing emotional wellbeing as well as mindfulness techniques.

3.) Connect – Encourage residents to take part in community events

Whether it’s a coffee and chat morning, or in-person social networking, providing residents with opportunities to combat loneliness and isolation can bring residents together in difficult times.

When anxiety can often make residents feel lonely, opportunities to make friends can make tough times easier to manage.

Download our 2023 Community Engagement Guide for resident event inspiration!

4.) Learn – Encourage residents to try something new

Arts and crafts sessions, mixology workshops and more. Inspiring residents to take up a new skill or a hobby is a great way to build self-esteem and encourage more social interaction.

Opportunities to engage in educational activities can particularly help to relieve anxiety, and the practice of setting goals, has been strongly associated with higher levels of wellbeing.

Spread awareness of these events and workshops via the Spike Living portal to increase attendance!

5.) Be active – Get residents involved in fitness and wellness classes

According to Mind UK, a number of studies reveal how physical exercise can help relieve anxiety and improve mental health, not to mention lifting moods, and improving sleep. As well as being a great way to connect with others.


Fitness doesn’t need to be strenuous: yoga and meditation classes can be a great way to introduce residents to a healthier lifestyle. One of our clients introduced ‘Meditate Mondays’, which to date has been attended by over 4,000 residents.


By utilising Spike Living, residents can view and book available fitness classes within a few taps, all from the comfort and convenience of their homes.


It’s becoming increasingly important to encourage open discussions, helping to remove the stigma surrounding mental health.

By ensuring that residents feel supported and cared for in their communities during difficult times, this not only dramatically enhances the resident experience, which is arguably one of the most important elements of any property offering, but also increases the likelihood that they will renew their tenancy.

For more information and ideas on how to support residents, see Dorset Mind’s helpful resources and Anxiety UK


A Look Back on our Charity Initiatives – January to April 2023

At the start of this year, Spike selected Dorset Mind as its Charity of the Year for 2023. 


Based in Bournemouth, Dorset Mind educates, challenges mental health stigma and inequality; and encourages recovery by empowering people to develop resilience. Their 1-2-1 and group support includes befriending, counselling, groups, and mentoring for adults and young people. Their training team delivers educational wellbeing for workplaces including the official Mental Health First Aid (MHFA). They also have numerous volunteering opportunities across the charity. 


Connecting communities and bringing people together is at the heart of what we do here at Spike. This year, as a company, we committed to taking part in a number of fundraising events and volunteering initiatives to enable Dorset Mind to continue to raise awareness and provide support for mental health in our communities, whilst at the same time organising a variety of activities aimed towards keeping our staff mentally healthy. 


Now, four months later, we’re proud to reflect back on our charity initiatives which have not only brought us a huge sense of accomplishment but also closer as a company, whilst growing our relationship with our neighbours and friends at Dorset Mind.

Beach Clean Up – March 2023

Our beach clean-up was our first organised charity activity, and many of our staff volunteered their time to pick up litter on Bournemouth beach. We followed Dorset Mind’s ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing‘ framework, developed by the New Economics Foundation, which addresses core elements such as connection, staying active, taking notice of our surroundings, trying something new, and giving back. 


There are many wellbeing benefits to staff beach clean ups, including enabling staff to give back to their local community, building connections with one another whilst simultaneously enjoying the outdoors, and staying active. It was a morning that was enjoyed by all, and our staff returned to the office with the feeling of accomplishment and having had a great opportunity to spend time with the wider team.

Bournemouth Bay Run – April 2023

The Bournemouth Bay Run 2023 was our first fundraising initiative, and five members of the team took on the challenge! This year, #TeamSpike consisted of Nick, Vicky, and Josh tackling the half marathon, whilst Jonny took on the 10km route, and Sriya the 5km route. Each runner committed themselves to weeks of arduous training, never giving up despite injuries, illnesses, and exhaustion.

Donning neon orange, inspired by the Bournemouth Bay Run’s 40th anniversary 80’s theme, the team all beat their personal targets and raised a considerable amount of money for Dorset Mind. Our office was proud to support and cheer on our team in orange as they crossed the finishing line! We even caught our team in the Bournemouth Echo!

We were initially hoping to raise £500, but through the generosity and kindness of our community, friends, and family, we exceeded our target and raised over £2,500! What’s more, our fundraising page was named one of the most successful JustGiving pages of the month, a huge achievement as our first official fundraising initiative! 


Thank you so much to everyone who supported and donated to our fundraiser! Your generosity will be going towards saving the lives of children and adults suffering from mental health in our local communities, ensuring they receive the support and guidance they need from Dorset Mind.

What Have We Planned for Q2?

After the success of our first quarter initiatives, we’re excited to bring the same energy and focus into Q2, with Team Spike taking on the Dragon Boat Race at the Sherbourne Castle Country Fair on the 29th May 2023, as well as our second beach clean-up with the support of Dorset Mind and local volunteers on the 5th June for World Environment Day!


Alongside this, we’re excited to be partnering up with Dorset Mind to write monthly blogs and content directed at helping those in the real estate sector to support their staff and residents, relating to key dates such as Mental Health Awareness Week focusing on anxiety, World Meditation Day, Men’s Health Week and more! 


You can learn more about Dorset Mind and find ways to support the work they are doing here.